I haven't blogged in a long time, partly because I thought that it didn't matter and with young kids I just could find the time. I have begun a new journey in my life, caring about myself. The way I look, think, study the scriptures, and I think most importantly, the way my children are educated.
Over the last month, I ha e lost about 20 pounds and I just started exercising for the first time in a long time. It hurt but it also felt great. My youngest son came in the living room and picked up the small set of hand weights. He says, I want to work out too. LOL!! I live him dearly. Then my oldest daughter comes in and starts doing them with me. I tell you what, if that isn't natural motivation, I don't know what is.
At the end of last school year,my youngest daughter who is so sweet and tender hearted, came home from school so upset and angry. My Pastor had also been preaching on the parents responsibilities and I really got convicted. There was not enough time to research homeschooling and being able to talk to other moms that I know to be able to get started this school year. However, this will be the last year that they go to public school. I want my children to be tender hearted and sweet!!
I attended a Ladies Conference in Napa,CA in February, and one of the speakers had taught a lesson on how to read the Bible!! How inspiring it was to hear a new way I can read and mark in my bible the things that are important to me. So, when I got home I went and bought some Crayola Twistable crayons and a new bible and began a new journey in the word. It is amazing the things that you get out of it when you are totally open to anything.
Everyday is a new opportunity for me to be able to share the word with others. The cashier at the store, your mechanic or even your neighbor. How many of us know our neighbors? I have lived in my home for 3 and 1/2 years. I know thw one to our right because they have kids that go to school with mine. I know a few others that live on the block because I'd kids or working, but I really don't KNOW any of them. That is kind of sad to say. They should have been the first doors I knocked on when I moved into my home.